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5 years

Round 1
Large section class

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Our workshops are prepared in coherence
with the program
of National Education.
They cannot substitute
to a full year in class
of large French section
but we strive to make them
as efficient as possible
and adapted to the needs  of your children. 




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  • Communicate with adults and other children
    through language by making themselves understood.

  • Express yourself in syntactically correct and precise language

  • Rephrase for better understanding

  • Telling, describing, questioning, discussing a point of view

  • Recite some poems and rhymes

  • Manipulate syllables

  • Show curiosity about writing

  • Participate verbally in the production of a written document

  • Practicing performing arts to develop speaking confidence

  • Acting, expressing oneself, understanding through artistic activities

  • Implementation of projects, exchange of ideas, beginning of reasoning and conceptualization (act and reflect)

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